Gene pool: For the first time in Kazakhstan organized a rational medium-term storage of agricultural gene pool of 29 Cultures (more than 17.0 thousand samples of ≈ 1/3 of the national gene pool RK). Assembled, integrated, systematic and reproduced herbarium and seed specimens of 1220 – relatives of cereals, forage crops and medicinal herbs. In the national database is listed passport information 55867 samples 223 of crop 9 groups according to economic use – cereals, pulses, fodder, vegetables, fruit, technical, cereals, pharmaceuticals, forest and forest-forming, which are identified by status, type of development, the originator of the collection.
Selection and seed: Created more than 500 varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops. Currently approved for use in the manufacture of the RK and beyond 142 varieties and hybrids, including 135 varieties of RK, including: 25 – corn 24 – winter wheat and triticale, 23 – spring wheat, 17 – of barley, 16 – forage, perennial grasses, 15 – legumes, 6 – oats, 4 – rice, 3 – hybrids of sugar beet, 2 – oil seeds. They occupy about 2.5 million hectares in the RK and the CIS countries (Russia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and etc.) Annually more than 450-600 tons of high quality, conditioned seeds of cereal, 100-130 tons – grain feed, 80-100 tons – legumes, 50-70 tons – of corn, 30-50 tons – safflower, 5-10 tons – feed crops, for elite seeds farmers and seeds farmers. At the same varietal purity of seed crops is determined by their protein formulas. Supplying of elite seeds farms, seeds farms.
Agrotechnology: Developed and improved:
- methodological and scientific bases of formation and use of adaptive landscape of farming systems and technologies of cultivation of crops in rainfed and irrigated areas of south and south-east of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- diversification and biologization crop production ecology and resource conservation;
- differentiated application of fertilizer for crops in the system precision farming to the south-east of Kazakhstan;
- resource-saving technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops on the basis of modern methods of drip irrigation and direct seeding.
Intellectual property: The Institute received 141 copyright certificates and certificates for varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops, 94 patents on breeding achievements, 4 innovative patents, 3 patents and 2 provisional patents on methods of the invention; filed over 172 patent applications in the selection achievements and inventions.