Founded in 1962
A part of the department employs 12 people

Department head Didorenko Svetlana |
8 777 39 16 108 |
Areas of research:
– the gene pool
– selection
– seed production
– High-quality technology
– Research and advisory support of technologies of cultivation of leguminous crops – Price Upon Request
– Production and sale of original and elite seeds of all varieties admitted to using legumes breeding KazNIIZiR – Price Upon Request
– Organizing and conducting seminars, meetings for farmers (peasant) farms – Price Upon Request
– Agribusiness specialist training at the Center for the dissemination of knowledge “Ushkonyr” – Price Upon Request
– Courses of approbation of seed crops – Price Upon Request
1 Patent №25950. In the invention method germ-line genetic transformation of soybean. Kershanskaya OI Didorenko SV Esenbaeva GL RSE «Institute of Biology and Biotechnology.” Innovative patent RK, filed 22-07-2011., Published on 15.08.2012.
2 Patent №540 selection achievement soy “Zhansaya” Karyagin YG, Didorenko SV Umbetalieva RK, Bekzhanov Zh.N. Bakiyev AM / “Kazakh Institute of Agriculture and Plant” ” Posted 04.12.2009, published on 16.04. 2015
3 Patent №545 for selective achievement soy “Perizat” Karyagin YG, Didorenko SV Kudaibergenov MS Urozaliev RA, SB Ramazanova / “Kazakh Institute of Agriculture and Plant» Posted 06.01.2011, published on 16.04. 2015
4 Patent 5 541 to achieve selective, soybeans “Spark” Karyagin YG, Didorenko SV Umbetalieva RK, Bekzhanov Zh.N. Bakiyev AM / “Kazakh Institute of Agriculture and Plant” filed 04.12.2009, published on 16.04. 2015
6 Patent №30281 to invention, A method of predicting earliness soybean samples. // Bulatov KM, Didorenko SV Yusaeva DA “Kazakh Institute of Agriculture and Plant” Posted 26. 04.10, published 20.07.2015
7 Patent №31427 patent for invention Didorenko SV Karyagin YG, Bulatova KM / “Method hybridization soybean” // “Kazakh Institute of Agriculture and Plant” application № 2011 / 0010.1 filed 06.01.2011, published 21/07/2016
8 Patent №623 on selection achievement Didorenko SV Karyagin YG, Kudaibergenov MS Meyirman GT, Nurpeisov IA, Begzhanov Zh.N., Umbetalieva RK / “Kazakh Institute of Agriculture and Plant” soy “Rose”, the application №2011 / 121.4 filed 12.12.2011, published 03.15.2016
9 Patent №624 selection achievement Didorenko SV Karyagin YG, Kudaibergenov MS Meyirman GT, Aldeshova MK / “Kazakh Institute of Agriculture and Plant” soybean “Sabir” application №2011 / 122.4 filed 12.12.2011, published 15.03.2016
10 Patent №625 on selection achievement Didorenko SV Kudaibergenov MS Karyagin YG, Abugaliyeva AI Nurpeisov IA, Umbetalieva RK, Begzhanov Zh.N. / “Kazakh Institute of Agriculture and Plant” soy “Danae”, the application №2012 / 058.4 filed 30.11.2012, published 03.15.2016
12 Patent №3708 on selection achievement Didorenko SV Karyagin YG, Kudaibergenov MS Ramazanova SB, Bulatova KM, Kushnarenko SV Turuspekov EK / “Kazakh Institute of Agriculture and Plant” Republican State Enterprise “Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology” soy “Zara”, the application №2011 / 135.4 filed 27.12.11, published 05.15.2017
inventors’ certificates
1 Karyagin YG, Didorenko SV Umbetalieva RK, Bekzhanov JN, Bakiyev AM Grade Zhansaya soy // Author’s Certificate application number 09101782 №417 from 12.12.2009, the order number 06-2 / 20 dated 18.01.2012, issued 28.03.2012
2 Karyagin YG, Didorenko SV Urazaliev RA, MS Kudaibergenov, Ramazanov SB Soybean varieties Perizat // Author’s Certificate application number 10102017 №485 from 27.11.2010, the order number 4-2 / 164 from 21.04. 2013 issued 01.07.2013
3 Didorenko SV Kudaibergenov MS Karyagin YG, Abugaliyeva AI Nurpeisov IA, Umbetalieva RK, Begzhanov Zh.N. Soybean varieties Danae // Copyright certificate number 597 application number 12102509 from 14.11.2012, the order number 16 dated 19.01. 2016 issued 03.13.2017
4 Didorenko SV Kudaibergenov MS Karyagin YG, Abugaliyeva AI Begzhanov Zh.N. Soybean varieties Akku // Copyright certificate number 594 application number 14103060 from 12.04.2014, the order № 22 from 20.01. 2017 issued 03.13.2017
5 Didorenko SV Karyagin YG, Meirman GT, Kudaibergenov MS, MK Aldeshova Soybean varieties Sabir // Copyright certificate number 596 application number 11102307 from 18.10.2011, the order number 16 dated 19.01. 2016 issued 03.13.2017
6 Didorenko SV Kudaibergenov MS Gorkovoy EG, Spryagaylova Yu, RK Umbetalieva Soybean varieties Birlik HF // Copyright certificate number 595 application number 14103054 from 04.12.2014, the order № 22 from 20.01. 2017 issued 03.13.2017
7 Kudaibergenov MS Didorenko SV Abugaliyeva AI, soybeans Memory UGC // Copyright certificate number 664 application number 15103419 from 27.11.2015, the order number 95 of 28/02/2018, issued 04/04/2018
8 Didorenko SV Kudaibergenov MS Sidorik IV Plotnikov VG Zinchenko AV, Karamurzina UM, Zakieva AA Soybean varieties Willow // Copyright certificate number 663 application number 15103420 from 27.11.2015, the order number 95 of 28/02/2018, issued 04/04/2018
- Karyagin YG Annual legumes in Alma-Ata Kazahstane.-, 1968
- Akilov W. Soy .- Almaty.- 1982
3. Abugaliyeva SI Didorenko SV, EK Turuspekov Genetic diversity of soybean Glycine Max (L.) Merr .: Almaty, 2017.- 210c.
1. Didorenko SV Absattarov AS Guidelines soybean tissue culture (Glycine Max.L.) // Almaty, 2008.- 28 p.
2. Meyrman GT, Didorenko SV Karyagin YG K a ta lo g soybean gene pool collection: Complex characteristic accessions of soybean (Glycine Max.L.) biological properties and economically valuable traits in a South-East of Kazakhstan // Almaty, 2008 – 18.
3. Kershanskaya OI Didorenko SV Esenbaeva GL Laboratory regulations “Creating transgenic soybean resistant to abiotic factors”, Almaty, 2011, 32c.
4. AO Sagitov, Didorenko SV, MS Kudaibergenov Recommendations for the cultivation of innovative technology and integrated soy protection system in Almaty region: Almaty, 2014 -36 p.
5. Didorenko SV, MS Kudaibergenov Soybean varieties, selection of LLP “Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant”: Asyl Kitap, 2014 -28 p.
6. Kudaibergenov MS Didorenko SV The technology of cultivation of a soya on irrigated lands of the southeast of Kazakhstan: kitap Asyl, 2014 -24 p.
7. Didorenko SV, MS Kudaibergenov Catalog of the collection of soybean indicative: Asyl Kitap, 2014 -195 with.
8. Kenenbayev SB, Kudaibergenov MS Didorenko SV Seed production of new soybean varieties and cultivation technology: Karaganda, TOO «LITERA», 2015 -32 p.