Test Centre of LLP «Kazakh Research Institute
of Agriculture and Plant Growing»

The Test Center of LLP «Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Plant Growing» (hereinafter referred to as TC LLP «KazRIAPG») is accredited in the technical regulation system of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the right of work performance in the field of testing, in accordance with the requirements specified in the GOST ISO/IEC 17025 – 2009 «General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories», and has a valid accreditation certificate № KZ.T.04.1405 from October 17, 2018.

The structure of the TC LLP «KazRIAPG» include:

Laboratory of analysis of seed quality
Laboratory of analysis of product quality
Laboratory of analysis of GMS (Genetically Modified Sources) content
Laboratory of analysis of soils, plants and feed
Laboratory of identification of varieties of crops
Laboratory of analysis of the infection rate of seeds and field crops.

The TC LLP «KazRIAPG» in the name of its management declares that the main goals concerning quality are implementation of the main provisions of laws and regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including: the Laws «On Technical Regulation», «On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements», «On Accreditation of Conformity Assessment», and continuing compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025 – 2009 within the competence of the test center.

The main activity of the TC LLP «KazRIAPG» is testing for compliance with the requirements of national standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan, interstate and international standards, technical regulations and sanitary rules and norms.

According to the declared scope of accreditation, there are the following types of raw material testing:

– Testing of seeds, grains and products their processing in terms of quality;

– Testing of plant samples for the presence of GMS;

– Physics – chemical testing of soils, plants and feed;

– Identification of the varieties of self-pollinating grain crops using electrophoresis;

– Determination of disease infection rate and pest colonization of crop seeds.

According to the declared scope of accreditation, the TC LLP «KazRIAPG» has all the necessary resources for testing, which include:

• Laboratory facilities;

• Measuring tools and test equipment;

• State standard samples (SSS) and certified mixtures;

• Legal and regulatory framework, and technical standards basis;

• Competent, experienced and qualified specialists.

Contact information of test centre LLP « KazRIAPG»:

The chief of test centre LLP « KazRIAPG»: Egizbaev Timur Maratovich

Address: 040909, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty region, Karasay district,

Almalybak village, Erlepesov street, 1

Tel./fax: +7 (727) 388-39-25, +7 (72771) 53-1-30.

E-mail: old.kazniizr@mail.ru Web: www.old.kazniizr.kz

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